Home Tech League of Legends 13.8 Patch Notes Gameplay Changes and Updates

League of Legends 13.8 Patch Notes Gameplay Changes and Updates


League of Legends 13.8 Patch Notes: The latest patch for League of Legends, 13.8, brings some significant changes to the game’s meta. The patch primarily focuses on adjusting the strength of specific champions and items to promote diversity in gameplay. In this article, we’ll take a look at the key changes introduced in the patch notes.

League of Legends

Champion Updates

Several champions received changes in patch 13.8, aimed at adjusting their strengths and weaknesses. For instance, Irelia’s Q (Bladesurge) now deals bonus damage to enemies with higher health than her. Additionally, Morgana’s W (Tormented Soil) now deals more damage over time and has a longer range. Other champions that received changes include Akali, Gragas, Jax, and Riven, among others.

Item Changes

Patch 13.8 introduces changes to several in-game items. For example, Goredrinker now has a reduced base healing effect, making it less powerful for champions who rely on its healing to sustain themselves in fights. On the other hand, Zhonya’s Hourglass now costs less gold, making it a more accessible item for champions who require it to survive fights.

Gameplay Changes

Patch 13.8 brings several gameplay changes that affect the overall game’s balance. For instance, the Rift Scuttler’s spawn timer has been adjusted, and its movement speed reduced. Additionally, the Elder Dragon’s execute threshold has been increased, making it more challenging to take down for teams that are behind in gold.

Overall, patch 13.8 introduces some significant changes that will have an impact on the way players approach the game. With champions and items being adjusted, and gameplay changes being made, it will be interesting to see how the meta develops in the coming weeks. As always, players can expect more changes and updates in future patches, so be sure to stay tuned for more updates.