Home News Nintendo Switch Error 2137-8028: Causes and Fixes!

Nintendo Switch Error 2137-8028: Causes and Fixes!


Are you a fan of the Nintendo Switch gaming console, but are currently facing issues with Error 2137-8028? This error code can be frustrating to deal with, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this error code, including its causes and how to fix it.


What is Nintendo Switch Error 2137-8028?

Error code 2137-8028 is an error message that may appear on the Nintendo Switch console. It often appears during game updates or while trying to connect to the Nintendo eShop. The error code can indicate a range of issues, including network connectivity, software update errors, or issues with the Nintendo Switch system.

Causes of Nintendo Switch Error 2137-8028

There are several reasons why you might encounter this error code on your Nintendo Switch console. Some common causes include:

  1. Network connectivity issues
  2. Problems with the Nintendo eShop servers
  3. Incomplete or failed game updates
  4. Software glitches or bugs
  5. Outdated software versions

How to Fix Nintendo Switch Error 2137-8028

Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix this error code:

  1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that your Nintendo Switch console is connected to a stable and reliable internet connection. You can test your connection by running a network connection test in the console settings.
  2. Restart your console: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix issues with the console. Turn off your Nintendo Switch, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.
  3. Update your console and game software: Ensure that your Nintendo Switch system and game software are up to date with the latest versions. You can check for system updates in the console settings and game updates in the game’s settings or the Nintendo eShop.
  4. Clear your console’s cache: Clearing the cache on your Nintendo Switch can help to fix issues with the system. To do this, go to the console settings, select System, then Formatting Options, and finally select Clear Cache.
  5. Contact Nintendo support: If the above steps do not resolve the error code, you may need to contact Nintendo support for further assistance.